If you want to see more trails available in Ludlow, you can support LAST by joining VMBA as a member and adding LAST as a primary or add-on chapter.
Membership includes over 200 benefits (like bike shop discounts and deals at local restaurants & shops), and 4 complimentary downhill (lift assisted) tickets at VT biking locations!


Help build and maintain trails for our community at the Back 40 or Fletcher Farm. Your support will help pay future staff, buy trail tools, or paying for services.

Thank you for your consideration in supporting a healthy and active lifestyle in Ludlow and surrounding towns!


Come help accelerate the trail building efforts, whether you have never done trail work, or are a seasoned machine operator, we’d love your help in bringing our vision of awesome trails in Okemo Valley to life!

We have dedicated trail days, but also seek folks that can spend a few hours a day with trail efforts.